Source code for pymcxray.FileFormat.Results.PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. py:currentmodule:: FileFormat.Results.PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm
.. moduleauthor:: Hendrix Demers <>

Read mcxray phirhoz thin film generated results.

# Script information for the file.
__author__ = "Hendrix Demers ("
__version__ = ""
__date__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2014 Hendrix Demers"
__license__ = ""

# Standard library modules.
import os.path
import csv

# Third party modules.
import numpy as np

# Local modules.

# Project modules
import pymcxray.FileFormat.Results.BaseResults as BaseResults

# Globals and constants variables.
ATOM_SYMBOL = " Symbol"
SUBSHELL_K = " Shell K"
SUBSHELL_L = " Shell L"
SUBSHELL_M = " Shell M"

HDF5_REGION_IDS = "Region IDs"
HDF5_SUBSHELLS = "Subshells"

# SimulationMCXrayPhirhozTestCases_Cu_E500d0keV_N100000e_PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm.csv
[docs]class PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm(BaseResults.BaseResults): def __init__(self): super(PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm, self).__init__() self.intensities = [] self.symbols = set() self.regions = set()
[docs] def read(self): suffix = "_PhirhozGeneratedCharacteristicThinFilm.csv" filename = self.basename + suffix filepath = os.path.join(self.path, filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as csvFile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvFile, self.fieldNames) # Skip header row next(reader) for intensityRow in reader: intensity = intensityRow for key in intensity: try: intensity[key] = intensity[key].strip() if key is ATOM_SYMBOL: self.symbols.add(intensity[key]) if key is INDEX_REGION: self.regions.add(int(intensity[key])) except AttributeError: pass self._intensities.append(intensity)
[docs] def getIntensity(self, regionID, atomicSymbol, xrayLine): intensity = 0.0 for data in self.intensities: if data[INDEX_REGION] == str(regionID) and data[ATOM_SYMBOL] == atomicSymbol: if not xrayLine.startswith(" Shell"): subshellLabel = " Shell %s" % xrayLine else: subshellLabel = xrayLine intensity = float(data[subshellLabel]) break return intensity
[docs] def get_symbols(self): return self.symbols
[docs] def get_subshells(self): return [HDF5_SUBSHELL_K, HDF5_SUBSHELL_L, HDF5_SUBSHELL_M]
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, hdf5_group): hdf5_group = hdf5_group.require_group(HDF5_PHIRHOZ_GENERATED_CHARACTERISTIC_THIN_FILM) symbols = self.get_symbols() shape = (self.numberRegions, 3) data = np.array(sorted(list(self.regions))) region_ids = hdf5_group.create_dataset(HDF5_REGION_IDS, dtype='i4', data=data) data = np.array(sorted(self.get_subshells()), dtype='S4') subshells = hdf5_group.create_dataset(HDF5_SUBSHELLS, dtype='S4', data=data) for symbol in symbols: intensity = np.zeros(shape) for region_id in range(self.numberRegions): for subshell_id, subshell in enumerate(self.get_subshells()): intensity[region_id, subshell_id] = self.getIntensity(region_id, symbol, subshell) dataset = hdf5_group.create_dataset(symbol, data=intensity) dataset.dims.create_scale(region_ids, 'Region ID') dataset.dims.create_scale(subshells, 'Subshell') dataset.dims[0].attach_scale(region_ids) dataset.dims[1].attach_scale(subshells)
@property def fieldNames(self): fieldNames = [] fieldNames.append(INDEX_REGION) fieldNames.append(ATOM_SYMBOL) fieldNames.append(SUBSHELL_K) fieldNames.append(SUBSHELL_L) fieldNames.append(SUBSHELL_M) return fieldNames @property def intensities(self): return self._intensities @intensities.setter def intensities(self, intensities): self._intensities = intensities @property def numberRegions(self): return len(self.regions)