Source code for pymcxray.ElementProperties

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" """

# Standard library modules.
import math

# Third party modules.

# Local modules.

# Globals and constants variables.
g_AvogadroNumber_atom_mol = 6.02205E23

g_elementSymbol = [
        "H"    , "He" , "Li" , "Be" , "B"    , "C"    , "N"    , "O"
    , "F"    , "Ne" , "Na" , "Mg" , "Al" , "Si" , "P"    , "S"
    , "Cl" , "Ar" , "K"    , "Ca" , "Sc" , "Ti" , "V"    , "Cr"
    , "Mn" , "Fe" , "Co" , "Ni" , "Cu" , "Zn" , "Ga" , "Ge"
    , "As" , "Se" , "Br" , "Kr" , "Rb" , "Sr" , "Y"    , "Zr"
    , "Nb" , "Mo" , "Tc" , "Ru" , "Rh" , "Pd" , "Ag" , "Cd"
    , "In" , "Sn" , "Sb" , "Te" , "I"    , "Xe" , "Cs" , "Ba"
    , "La" , "Ce" , "Pr" , "Nd" , "Pm" , "Sm" , "Eu" , "Gd"
    , "Tb" , "Dy" , "Ho" , "Er" , "Tm" , "Yb" , "Lu" , "Hf"
    , "Ta" , "W"    , "Re" , "Os" , "Ir" , "Pt" , "Au" , "Hg"
    , "Tl" , "Pb" , "Bi" , "Po" , "At" , "Rn" , "Fr" , "Ra"
    , "Ac" , "Th" , "Pa" , "U"    , "Np" , "Pu" , "Am" , "Cm"
    , "Bk" , "Cf" , "Es" , "Fm" , "Md" , "No" , "Lr" , "Unq"
    , "Unp" , "Unh"]

g_elementName = [
    , "Helium"
    , "Lithium"
    , "Beryllium"
    , "Boron"
    , "Carbon"
    , "Nitrogen"
    , "Oxygen"
    , "Fluorine"
    , "Neon"
    , "Sodium"
    , "Magnesium"
    , "Aluminium"
    , "Silicon"
    , "Phosphorus"
    , "Sulfur"
    , "Chlorine"
    , "Argon"
    , "Potassium"
    , "Calcium"
    , "Scandium"
    , "Titanium"
    ,    "Vanadium"
    , "Chromium"
    , "Manganese"
    , "Iron"
    , "Cobalt"
    , "Nickel"
    , "Copper"
    , "Zinc"
    , "Gallium"
    , "Germanium"
    , "Arsenic"
    , "Selenium"
    , "Bromine"
    , "Krypton"
    , "Rubidium"
    , "Strontium"
    , "Yttrium"
    , "Zirconium"
    , "Niobium"
    , "Molybdenum"
    , "Technetium"
    , "Ruthenium"
    , "Rhodium"
    , "Palladium"
    , "Silver"
    , "Cadmium"
    , "Indium"
    , "Tin"
    , "Antimony"
    , "Tellurium"
    , "Iodine"
    , "Xenon"
    , "Cesium"
    , "Barium"
    , "Lanthanum"
    , "Cerium"
    , "Praseodymium"
    , "Neodymium"
    , "Promethium"
    , "Samarium"
    , "Europium"
    , "Gadolinium"
    , "Terbium"
    , "Dysprosium"
    , "Holmium"
    , "Erbium"
    , "Thulium"
    , "Ytterbium"
    ,    "Lutetium"
    , "Hafnium"
    , "Tantalum"
    , "Tungsten"
    , "Rhenium"
    , "Osmium"
    , "Iridium"
    , "Platinum"
    , "Gold"
    , "Mercury"
    , "Thallium"
    , "Lead"
    , "Bismuth"
    , "Polonium"
    , "Astatine"
    , "Radon"
    , "Francium"
    , "Radium"
    , "Actinium"
    , "Thorium"
    , "Protactinium"
    , "Uranium"
    , "Neptunium"
    , "Plutonium"
    , "Americium"
    , "Curium"
    , "Berkelium"
    , "Californium"
    , "Einsteinium"
    , "Fermium"
    , "Mendelevium"
    , "Nobelium"
    , "Lawrencium"
    , "Unnilquadium"
    , "Unnilpentium"
    , "Unnilhexium"]

g_massDensity_g_cm3 = [
    0.0899, 0.1787, 0.5300, 1.8500, 2.3400, 2.6200, 1.2510, 1.4290,
    1.6960, 0.9010, 0.9700, 1.7400, 2.7000, 2.3300, 1.8200, 2.0700,
    3.1700, 1.7840, 0.8600, 1.5500, 3.0000, 4.5000, 5.8000, 7.1900,
    7.4300, 7.8600, 8.9000, 8.9000, 8.9600, 7.1400, 5.9100, 5.3200,
    5.7200, 4.8000, 3.1200, 3.7400, 1.5300, 2.6000, 4.5000, 6.4900,
    8.5500, 10.200, 11.500, 12.200, 12.400, 12.000, 10.500, 8.6500,
    7.3100, 7.3000, 6.6800, 6.2400, 4.9200, 5.8900, 1.8700, 3.5000,
    6.7000, 6.7800, 6.7700, 7.0000, 6.4750, 7.5400, 5.2600, 7.8900,
    8.2700, 8.5400, 8.8000, 9.0500, 9.3300, 6.9800, 9.8400, 13.100,
    16.600, 19.300, 21.000, 22.400, 22.500, 21.400, 19.300, 13.530,
    11.850, 11.400, 9.8000, 9.4000, 1.0000, 9.9100, 1.0000, 5.0000,
    10.070, 11.700, 15.400, 18.900, 20.400, 19.800, 13.600, 13.511
Mass density of element in atomic number order.

For element H to Cm (1-96).

In :math:`g/cm{3}`.

From: Tableau periodique des elements, Sargent-Welch scientifique Canada

.. note::

    Element Z = 85 and 87 set to 1 for the calculation.

g_atomicMass_g_mol = [
    1.0079000, 4.0026000, 6.9410000, 9.0121800, 10.810000, 12.011000,
    14.006700, 15.999400, 18.998403, 20.179000, 22.989770, 24.305000,
    26.981540, 28.085500, 30.973760, 32.060000, 35.453000, 39.948000,
    39.098300, 40.080000, 44.955900, 47.900000, 50.941500, 51.996000,
    54.938000, 55.847000, 58.933200, 58.700000, 63.546000, 65.380000,
    69.720000, 72.590000, 74.921600, 78.960000, 79.904000, 83.800000,
    85.467800, 87.620000, 88.905600, 91.220000, 92.906400, 95.940000,
    98.000000, 101.07000, 102.90550, 106.40000, 107.86800, 112.41000,
    114.82000, 118.69000, 121.75000, 127.60000, 126.90450, 131.30000,
    132.90540, 137.33000, 138.90550, 140.12000, 140.90770, 144.24000,
    145.00000, 150.40000, 151.96000, 157.25000, 158.92540, 162.50000,
    164.93040, 167.26000, 168.93420, 173.04000, 174.96700, 178.49000,
    180.94790, 183.85000, 186.20700, 190.20000, 192.22000, 195.09000,
    196.96650, 200.59000, 204.37000, 207.20000, 208.98040, 209.00000,
    210.00000, 222.00000, 223.00000, 226.02540, 227.02780, 232.03810,
    231.03590, 238.02900, 237.04820, 244.00000, 243.00000, 247.00000,
    247.00000, 251.00000, 252.00000, 257.00000, 258.00000, 259.00000,
    260.00000, 261.00000, 262.00000, 263.00000
Atomic weight of element in atomic number order.

For element H to Sg (1-106).

Unit :math:`g/mole`.

From: Tableau periodique des elements, Sargent-Welch scientifique Canada

g_FermiEnergy = [
    1.000, 1.000, 4.700, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 3.100, 1.000, 1.000, 0.555, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 7.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 5.500, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 5.500, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.000,
    1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
Fermi energy of element in atomic number order.

For element H to Lr (1-103).
From: CASINO source code, DOS version.

.. todo:: Add units.

g_kFermi = [
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 1.10E8, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 9.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 4.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 1.35E8, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 1.19E8, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 1.19E8, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7,
    7.00E7, 7.00E7, 0.00E0, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7, 7.00E7
Fermi wavelength of element in atomic number order.

For element H to Lr (1--103).
From: CASINO source code, DOS version.

.. todo:: Add units.

g_plasmonEnergy = [
    15.0, 15.0, 7.10, 18.7, 22.7, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 5.70,
    10.3, 15.0, 16.7, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 3.70, 8.80, 14.0, 17.9,
    21.8, 24.9, 21.6, 23.0, 20.9, 20.7, 19.3, 17.2, 13.8, 16.2, 15.0,
    15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 3.41, 8.00, 12.5, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0,
    15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 19.2, 15.0, 13.4, 15.2, 17.0, 11.4, 15.0, 2.90,
    7.20, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 13.3, 15.0,
    15.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0,
    35.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 13.0, 14.2, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0,
    25.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0,
    15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0
Plasmon energy of element in atomic number order.

For element H to Lr (1-103).
From: CASINO source code, DOS version.

.. todo:: Add units.

[docs]def getMassDensity_g_cm3(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_massDensity_g_cm3[index]
[docs]def getAtomicMass_g_mol(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_atomicMass_g_mol[index]
[docs]def getFermiEnergy_eV(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_FermiEnergy[index]
[docs]def getKFermi_eV(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_kFermi[index]
[docs]def getPlasmonEnergy_eV(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_plasmonEnergy[index]
[docs]def getMeanIonizationEnergy_eV(atomic_number): """ Get the mean ionization potential from the atomic number. In :math:`eV`. :param int atomic_number: Atomic number """ if atomic_number <= 13.0: Value = 11.5 * atomic_number else: if math.pow(atomic_number, 0.19) > 0.0: Value = 9.76 * atomic_number + 58.8 / math.pow(atomic_number, 0.19) else: Value = 0.0 return Value
[docs]def getKRatioCorrection(atomicNumber): """ Get the constant k ratio correction needed by the mean ionization potential from the atomic number. :param int atomic_number: Atomic number """ Value = 0.734*math.pow(atomicNumber, 0.037); return Value
[docs]def getKRatioCorrectionMonsel(atomicNumber, workFunction_keV): """ /// K value as defined by Monsel. /// Used in DE/DS calculation. Casino uses K Gauvin,but for low energy, /// JR Lowney says that this one is more appropriate (and by experience, /// it is effectively better for the secondary yield). /// <p> NOTE : Depends on J (ionisation potential). So it must already be calculated before. /// @param element Element for whom we want to calculate the K value. /// @return The K value of the element passed in argument """ value = (0.8576 - (workFunction_keV + 1.0e-3)/getMeanIonizationEnergy_eV(atomicNumber)) return value
[docs]def computeAtomicDensity_atom_cm3(massDensity_g_cm3, atomicMass_g_mol): """ Compute the atomic density. .. math:: n_{i} = \\frac{N_{A} \\rho_{i}}{A_{i}} where - :math:`n_{i}` is the atomic density in :math:`\\mathrm{atoms}/cm^{3}` - :math:`N_{A}` is the Avogadro number in :math:`\\mathrm{atoms}/mole` - :math:`\\rho_{i}` is the mass density in :math:`g/cm^{3}` - :math:`A_{i}` is the atomic mass in :math:`g/mole` :param float massDensity_g_cm3: :param float atomicMass_g_mol: """ return g_AvogadroNumber_atom_mol*massDensity_g_cm3/atomicMass_g_mol
[docs]def getSymbol(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber-1) return g_elementSymbol[index]
[docs]def getName(atomicNumber): index = int(atomicNumber)-1 return g_elementName[index]
[docs]def getAtomicNumberBySymbol(symbol): try: return g_elementSymbol.index(symbol.capitalize())+1 except ValueError: print(symbol)
[docs]def getAtomicNumberByName(name): try: return g_elementName.index(name.capitalize())+1 except ValueError: print(name)
[docs]def getAtomicNumber(atomicNumber=None, name=None, symbol=None): if atomicNumber != None: return int(atomicNumber) elif name != None: return getAtomicNumberByName(name) elif symbol != None: return getAtomicNumberBySymbol(symbol)
[docs]def run(): print(getMassDensity_g_cm3(24)) print(7.19*0.054)
[docs]def runAtomicNumberSymbol(): atomicNumbers = range(1, 92+1, 1) for atomicNumber in atomicNumbers: symbol = getSymbol(atomicNumber) print("%s" % (symbol))
if __name__ == '__main__': #pragma: no cover runAtomicNumberSymbol()