Source code for pymcxray.AnalyzeNumberBackgroundWindows

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. py:currentmodule:: analyzeNumberBackgroundWindows
.. moduleauthor:: Hendrix Demers <>

Analyze the number of background windows on the x-ray spectrum.

# Script information for the file.
__author__ = "Hendrix Demers ("
__version__ = ""
__date__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2012 Hendrix Demers"
__license__ = ""

# Subversion informations for the file.
__svnRevision__ = "$Revision$"
__svnDate__ = "$Date$"
__svnId__ = "$Id$"

# Standard library modules.
import os.path

# Third party modules.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Local modules.
import pymcxray.FileFormat.ExportedSpectrum as ExportedSpectrum

# Project modules

# Globals and constants variables.

[docs]class AnalyzeNumberBackgroundWindows(object): def __init__(self): self._dataPath = r"J:\hdemers\work\results\simulations\McXRay\TestNumberBackgroundWindows" self._results = {}
[docs] def readData(self): numberWindowsList = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] for numberWindows in numberWindowsList: filename = "bulkC_E20keV_w%iBW.txt" % (numberWindows) filepath = os.path.join(self._dataPath, filename) exportedSpectrum = ExportedSpectrum.ExportedSpectrum() results = exportedSpectrum.getData() self._results[numberWindows] = results
[docs] def plotData(self): plt.figure() numberWindowsList = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] for numberWindows in numberWindowsList: x, y = self._results[numberWindows] y = np.array(y) y *= (20.0/numberWindows) label = "%i" % (numberWindows) plt.semilogy(x, y, label=label) plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)") plt.ylabel("Counts") plt.legend(loc='best')
[docs] def plotDifference(self): pass
[docs]def run(): analyze = AnalyzeNumberBackgroundWindows() analyze.readData() analyze.plotData() analyze.plotDifference()
if __name__ == '__main__': #pragma: no cover run()